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ymir::ModelParameterVector Class Reference

Class for storing parameters of assembling statistical model. Note: event with index 0 (zero) is "null" event and always has zero probability. Vector is ordered so for VJ or VDJ recombination specific family events stored in specific order. More...

#include <modelparametervector.h>

Public Member Functions

 ModelParameterVector (Recombination vec_type, const vector< prob_t > &param_vec, const vector< event_ind_t > &lens_vec, const vector< event_ind_t > &event_classes, const vector< seq_len_t > &event_family_col_numbers, const vector< prob_t > &laplace_vec=vector< prob_t >(), prob_t err_prob=0, bool do_normalise=true, const vector< seq_len_t > &d_genes_min_len=vector< seq_len_t >())
bool operator== (const ModelParameterVector &other) const
Recombination recombination () const
event_ind_t eventFamilySize (event_ind_t event_family) const
event_ind_t eventFamilySize (event_ind_t event_class, event_ind_t event_family) const
event_ind_t eventClassSize (event_ind_t event_class) const
vector< prob_t >::const_iterator get_iterator (event_ind_t i) const
event_ind_t event_index (EventClass event_class, event_ind_t event_family, event_ind_t event_index) const
event_ind_t event_index (EventClass event_class, event_ind_t event_family, event_ind_t event_row, event_ind_t event_column) const
prob_t event_prob (EventClass event_class, event_ind_t event_family, event_ind_t event_index) const
prob_t event_prob (EventClass event_class, event_ind_t event_family, event_ind_t event_row, event_ind_t event_column) const
void normaliseEventFamilies ()
 Normalise each event family to have sum equal to 1.
void normaliseEventClass (EventClass event_class)
event_ind_t max_VJ_ins_len () const
event_ind_t max_VD_ins_len () const
event_ind_t max_DJ_ins_len () const
seq_len_t D_min_len (event_ind_t d_index) const
prob_t error_prob () const
void set_error_prob (prob_t val)
void fill (prob_t val=0)
 Fill the vector with the given value.
void familyFill (event_ind_t event_family, prob_t val=0)
size_t families () const
size_t size () const
seq_len_t n_columns (EventClass event_class, event_ind_t event_family=0) const
prob_t & operator[] (event_ind_t gl_event_index)
 Get a probability of an event with the given global index. More...
prob_t operator[] (event_ind_t gl_event_index) const
prob_t operator() (event_ind_t event_family, event_ind_t loc_event_index) const

Detailed Description

Class for storing parameters of assembling statistical model. Note: event with index 0 (zero) is "null" event and always has zero probability. Vector is ordered so for VJ or VDJ recombination specific family events stored in specific order.

Vector with event's probabilities stored in specific order: VJ - recombination: [0] - null family [1] - Variable gene segment probability [2] - J prob [3 : 3 + [2] - [1]] - V deletions [4] - J deletions [5] - VJ insertion length [6] - VJ insertion markov chain

VDJ - recombination: [0] - null family [1] - Variable gene segment probability [2] - J prob [3] - V deletions [4] - J deletions [5] - VJ insertion length [6] - VJ insertion markov chain

Hypermutations added as the last element in the vector. Note: gene segment deletion probabilities stored in order of gene segment probabilities.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

ymir::ModelParameterVector::ModelParameterVector ( Recombination  vec_type,
const vector< prob_t > &  param_vec,
const vector< event_ind_t > &  lens_vec,
const vector< event_ind_t > &  event_classes,
const vector< seq_len_t > &  event_family_col_numbers,
const vector< prob_t > &  laplace_vec = vector<prob_t>(),
prob_t  err_prob = 0,
bool  do_normalise = true,
const vector< seq_len_t > &  d_genes_min_len = vector<seq_len_t>() 

Event family - family of specific events like deletions of V4 segment or DJ insertions. Event class - class of events like V deletions, J deletions, D deletions, VJ insertions.

param_vecVector of probabilities of events.
lens_vecVector of lengths for each family of events (V1 deletions, V2 deletions, etc.)
event_classesVector of start indices in lens_vec of each class of events (all V deletions, all J deletions, VJ insertions, etc.)
event_family_col_numbersNumber of rows in each event family (zero means there is no matrix, but only a vector). Vector with the same length as lens_vec.
laplace_vecVector of pseudo counts for each event family.

Member Function Documentation

event_ind_t ymir::ModelParameterVector::event_index ( EventClass  event_class,
event_ind_t  event_family,
event_ind_t  event_index 
) const

0-based indices for families and events! All segment indices must be passed as (segindex - 1), segment families as (segindex_deletion_index - 1), but deletions and insertions should be passed as it is (#deletions).

prob_t& ymir::ModelParameterVector::operator[] ( event_ind_t  gl_event_index)

Get a probability of an event with the given global index.

event_familyEvent family's index.
gl_event_indexGlobal index of the event.
loc_event_indexLocal index of the event, i.e., index of the event in the given event family.
Probability of the event.

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