Ymir  .9
Class Hierarchy
This inheritance list is sorted roughly, but not completely, alphabetically:
[detail level 1234]
 Cymir::AbstractInsertionModelClass for representing VJ / VD / DJ insertions models - either a mono-nucleotide or a di-nucleotide model
 Cymir::TDVectorVector of gene segments
 Cymir::TDVectorListList of std::vectors for deletions and insertions
 Cymir::AlignmentMatrixBase< AlignmentType >
 Cymir::AlignmentMatrixBase< GappedAlignmentVector >
 CBlockEMAlgorithmImplementation of the online EM-algorithm for statistical inference of assembling model parameters
 Cymir::CodonTableA struct for representing nucleotide codons for amino acids
 CJson::CommentStyleScoped enums are not available until C++11
 CEventIndMatrixChainClass for storing chain of matrices of indices of scenario events
 Cymir::Matrix< _Scalar, _Dim >Simple matrix class
 Cymir::ModelParameterVectorClass for storing parameters of assembling statistical model. Note: event with index 0 (zero) is "null" event and always has zero probability. Vector is ordered so for VJ or VDJ recombination specific family events stored in specific order
 Cymir::MultiMatrixChain< _Scalar >Class for storing lists of matrices, where one node in the list (called "chain") could contain more than one matrix
 Cymir::MAAGMulti-Alignment Assembly Graph - basic class for representing all possible generation scenarios of a nucleotide or amino acid sequence of an immune receptor
 Cymir::MultiMatrixChain< _Scalar >::NodeNode in the chain. Stores one or more matrices with equal size
 CNumErrorsMMCClass for storing a number of errors for each scenario event
 CProbMatrixChainClass for storing chain of matrices of scenario event probabilities
 Cymir::RepertoireParser< Aligner >Parser for text files with repertoire data. By default it's MiTCR parser. To make new parsers inherit from this class and rewrite virtual private method "parseRepertoire"
 Cymir::StatisticalInferenceAlgorithmInterface for algorithms for statistical inference of assembling model parameters
 Cymir::EMAlgorithmImplementation of the EM-algorithm for statistical inference of assembling model parameters. Classic version described in (Murugan et al 2012)
 Cymir::VDJAlignerBase< AlignmentType, V_Aligner, D_Aligner, J_Aligner >