▼NJson | |
CBuiltStyledStreamWriter | |
CCommentStyle | Scoped enums are not available until C++11 |
CException | |
CLogicError | |
COurCharReader | |
COurFeatures | |
▼COurReader | |
CStructuredError | |
CRuntimeError | |
▼Nymir | |
CAbstractInsertionModel | Class for representing VJ / VD / DJ insertions models - either a mono-nucleotide or a di-nucleotide model |
CAbstractTDContainer | |
CAlignmentBase | |
CAlignmentColumnOptions | |
CAlignmentEventScore | |
CAlignmentMatrixBase | |
CAlignmentVectorBase | |
CCDR3AlignerFunctor_D | |
CCDR3AlignerFunctor_J | |
CCDR3AlignerFunctor_V | |
CCloneset | |
CClonesetView | |
CClonotype | |
CClonotypeAssembler | |
CClonotypeBuilder | |
▼CCodonTable | A struct for representing nucleotide codons for amino acids |
CCodons | |
CDiNucInsertionModel | |
CEMAlgorithm | Implementation of the EM-algorithm for statistical inference of assembling model parameters. Classic version described in (Murugan et al 2012) |
CForwardBackwardAlgorithm | |
CGappedAlignment | |
CGappedAlignmentVector | |
▼CGeneSegmentAlphabet | |
CGeneSegment | |
CMAAG | Multi-Alignment Assembly Graph - basic class for representing all possible generation scenarios of a nucleotide or amino acid sequence of an immune receptor |
CMAAGBuilder | |
CMAAGForwardBackwardAlgorithm | |
CMatrix | Simple matrix class |
CModelParameterVector | Class for storing parameters of assembling statistical model. Note: event with index 0 (zero) is "null" event and always has zero probability. Vector is ordered so for VJ or VDJ recombination specific family events stored in specific order |
CModelParser | |
CMonoNucInsertionModel | |
▼CMultiMatrixChain | Class for storing lists of matrices, where one node in the list (called "chain") could contain more than one matrix |
CNode | Node in the chain. Stores one or more matrices with equal size |
CNaiveCDR3AlignerFunctor_D | |
CNaiveCDR3AlignerFunctor_J | |
CNaiveCDR3AlignerFunctor_V | |
CNoGapAlignment | |
CNoGapAlignmentVector | |
CProbabilisticAssemblingModel | |
CRepertoireParser | Parser for text files with repertoire data. By default it's MiTCR parser. To make new parsers inherit from this class and rewrite virtual private method "parseRepertoire" |
CRepertoireParserStatistics | |
CRepertoireWriter | |
CSGAlgorithm | |
▼CStatisticalInferenceAlgorithm | Interface for algorithms for statistical inference of assembling model parameters |
CAlgorithmParameters | |
CSWAlignerFunctor_D | |
CSWAlignerFunctor_VJ | |
CSWNGAlignerFunctor_D | |
CSWNGAlignerFunctor_J | |
CSWNGAlignerFunctor_V | |
CTDMatrix | |
CTDMatrixList | |
CTDVector | Vector of gene segments |
CTDVectorList | List of std::vectors for deletions and insertions |
CTestInfo | |
CVD2JForwardBackward | |
CVDJAlignerBase | |
CVDJAlignerParameters | |
CVDJAlignment | |
CVDJAlignmentBuilder | |
CVDJAlignmentEventScore | |
CVDJAlignmentScoreThreshold | |
CVDJForwardBackward | |
CVDJModelParser | |
CVDJRecombinationGenes | |
CVJForwardBackward | |
CVJModelParser | |
CBlockEMAlgorithm | Implementation of the online EM-algorithm for statistical inference of assembling model parameters |
CEventIndMatrixChain | Class for storing chain of matrices of indices of scenario events |
CNumErrorsMMC | Class for storing a number of errors for each scenario event |
CProbMatrixChain | Class for storing chain of matrices of scenario event probabilities |