Ymir  .9
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 123]
 CCommentStyleScoped enums are not available until C++11
 CAbstractInsertionModelClass for representing VJ / VD / DJ insertions models - either a mono-nucleotide or a di-nucleotide model
 CCodonTableA struct for representing nucleotide codons for amino acids
 CEMAlgorithmImplementation of the EM-algorithm for statistical inference of assembling model parameters. Classic version described in (Murugan et al 2012)
 CMAAGMulti-Alignment Assembly Graph - basic class for representing all possible generation scenarios of a nucleotide or amino acid sequence of an immune receptor
 CMatrixSimple matrix class
 CModelParameterVectorClass for storing parameters of assembling statistical model. Note: event with index 0 (zero) is "null" event and always has zero probability. Vector is ordered so for VJ or VDJ recombination specific family events stored in specific order
 CMultiMatrixChainClass for storing lists of matrices, where one node in the list (called "chain") could contain more than one matrix
 CNodeNode in the chain. Stores one or more matrices with equal size
 CRepertoireParserParser for text files with repertoire data. By default it's MiTCR parser. To make new parsers inherit from this class and rewrite virtual private method "parseRepertoire"
 CStatisticalInferenceAlgorithmInterface for algorithms for statistical inference of assembling model parameters
 CTDVectorVector of gene segments
 CTDVectorListList of std::vectors for deletions and insertions
 CBlockEMAlgorithmImplementation of the online EM-algorithm for statistical inference of assembling model parameters
 CEventIndMatrixChainClass for storing chain of matrices of indices of scenario events
 CNumErrorsMMCClass for storing a number of errors for each scenario event
 CProbMatrixChainClass for storing chain of matrices of scenario event probabilities